“I recently had my braces put on, so I can vouch for the fact that waterpik is a must–have for anyone going through the same treatment. My orthodontist even recommended it! After using it for a couple of months, I can definitely attest to the many benefits of this product. A waterpik helps to quickly remove any food particles that get stuck in the braces. This makes my oral hygiene routine much easier and prevents me from having to spend endless time flossing and brushing. It also reaches places in my mouth that I can‘t get to with regular brushing, making me more confident that my mouth is clean. Additionally, the waterpik helps to reduce inflammation in my gums from the adjustment period of my braces. I can take it on trips but there is also a waterpik for my home. Overall, if you‘re considering getting braces or already have them, I‘d definitely recommend investing in a waterpik. Not only is it a great way to quickly clean affected areas, but it can also reduce inflammation and provide peace of mind. Plus, it‘s really easy to use and will quickly become an indispensable part of your oral hygiene routine.”
Hollie B.